Why we take photos

When we were dating we remember how fun it was to go to each others parents house, go to the one closet that was kinda of a catch all, and pull out albums and shoeboxes full of photos! Just to thumb through and hear the stories, and watch people relive moments because of a photo.

We want to create lasting memories to share with your friends, family, children, and even your children’s children. We strive to capture moments, not just photos. We want you to be able to look back and remember how you were feeling, not just what you were doing.

< This is our little family captured by Moniquevphoto




In an effort to bring awareness 5% of every session booked with us goes to Operation Underground Railroad. That means every wedding, every family session, everything, forever. Child trafficking is something that has been so so heavy on our hearts. It’s unspeakable and yet needs to be spoken. This is just a small act to raise awareness, think bigger than just ourselves, and a chance to partner with us to make a difference.